Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in over 100 countries. IOM has had a presence in Finland since 1993.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. In Finland, IOM facilitates migrants’ integration, promotes development cooperation, assists victims of trafficking, and engages in refugee resettlement and migrants’ voluntary returns. IOM Finland’s operations cover Finland, Sweden and Iceland.
Cross-cutting (Global)
Cross-cutting (Global)
- Data and Resources
- Take Action
- 2030 Agenda
World Village: Many Goals, One Target - Mini Talks About How to Reach the Development Goals
UN Village Mini Talks:
Many goals, one target - how do I contribute to a more sustainable world?
UN and the Un actors workd with very different themes, but the target is one: to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In the Mini Talks at the UN Village stage representatives of the Nordic UN organizations and actors working with UN themes will talk about how they advance sustainable development in their own work. The talks are from 5 to 10 minutes.
More about our participation at the World Village Festival here.
Check out our Facebook-event for the latest information!
- Saturday 26/05
12.00 Resettlement and the Sustainable Development Goals - Vishnu Indukuri (IOM, Operations Assistant)
12.30 Partnerships for change: SDG Accelerator - Camilla Bruckner (Director of UNDP's Nordic Office)
13.00 Women`s bodies and reproductive rights - Pernille Fenger (Chief of UNFPA Nordic Office)
13.30 Kestävää kehitystä ilman ihmiskauppaa - Jaana Sipilä (IOM, projektikoordinaattori, ihmiskaupan vastainen työ)
14.00 Why taxes? Importance of taxation for economic development and governance - Kyle McNabb (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow)
14.30 Abortti ja kestävä kehitys - Elina Korhonen (Väestöliitto, kansainvälisen kehityksen yksikön esimies)
15.30 Invest in the future: protect the vulnerable from extreme hardship and poverty - Miguel Nino-Zarazua (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow)
16.00 Assisting victims of Trafficking (Ruotsin AVRRTiPP-SWE-projekti) - Eveliina Karhu (IOM, caseworker)
16.30 Tasa-arvo kestävän rauhan edellytyksenä - Elina Multanen (Suomen UN Womenin toiminnanjohtaja)
17.00 Why is international cooperation needed to reach Zero Hunger by 2030 – Heidi Olli (World Food Programme, Government Partnership Officer)
17.30 Nuorten rauhaa edistämässä (Nuoret, rauha ja turvallisuus -päätöslauselma 2250) - Jenni Ruotsalainen (Suomen YK-nuorten puheenjohtaja)
- Sunday 27/05
12.00 Ilmastonmuutos on tasa-arvoasia - Hanne Lyytikkä (Suomen UN Women)
12.30 Understanding better how taxes and benefits affect poverty and inequality in developing countries - Pia Rattenhuber (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow)
13.00 Miten seksuaalioikeudet liittyvät ympäristöasioihin? - Laura Lipsanen (Väestöliitto, kehitysyhteistyön asiantuntija)
13.30 Mielenterveysongelmainen maailma - Jonne Juntura (YK-nuorisodelegaatti 2018)
14.00 The importance of understanding inequality between and within countries for more inclusive societys - Carlos Gradín Lago (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow)
14.30 Muuttoliike ja kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet - Simo Kohonen (IOM:n Suomen-toimiston päällikkö)
15.00 Suomen somalit Somaliaa jälleen rakentamassa (MIDA FINNSOM) - Jutta Marjanen (IOM, projektikoordinaattori, MIDA)
16.00 Improving inequality in ethnically-diverse societies - Rachel Gisselquist (UNU-WIDER, Research Fellow)