Defining Moment

We have reached a defining moment in the global approach to migration, and it is time for a new IOM strategic direction and renewed energy to deliver on the promise of migration. Migration is and has been for centuries, a cornerstone of development, prosperity, and progress for many. As the world faces major global transformations – from climate change, demographic transition, and urbanization to digitalization–migration can and should be part of the solution. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement provide a road map through which the full potential of migration can be harnessed, and displacement crises resolved, leaving no one behind.

Harnessing the Power of Migration

Comprehensive solutions to the world’s biggest challenges – from poverty and inequality to climate change, and conflict – are all inextricably linked to migration. IOM knows that migration has the power to transform the lives of individuals, their families, their communities and societies for the better. It is clear that the Sustainable Development Goals cannot be reached without safe, orderly and regular migration. For this reason, our vision is: to deliver on the promise of migration, while supporting the world’s most vulnerable.

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Objective 1: Saving lives and protecting people on the move

IOM puts the safety, dignity and protection of people first in the most challenging crisis response contexts in the world. As displacement rises to record levels, IOM will increase its own capacity, and that of other humanitarian actors, to reach and sustain access to communities in need of life-saving humanitarian and protection assistance.

We will develop and adopt new technologies and approaches to increase the already enviable speed, efficiency and scale of our responses. In emergency settings, we will provide cash and non-food items; health care; water, sanitation and hygiene support and shelter, so that basic needs are met. In coordination with others, we will facilitate a safe and dignified environment both in camps and in out-of-camp settings. Together with partners, IOM will adapt approaches that have worked in traditional displacement settings and develop new solutions for more complex urban environments.

IOM will reach the most vulnerable people with the specialized protection services, such as child protection measures, activities to mitigate the risk of and respond to gender-based violence and human trafficking, and psychosocial support. Our migration expertise will allow us to assist States to develop appropriate border management responses so that more people can move to safety. 


Objective 2: Driving solutions to displacement

IOM reduces the risks and impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, conflict and instability for communities affected by or at risk of displacement. As global displacement reaches record levels, IOM will go beyond simply responding to displacement crises to anticipating and mitigating risks and enhancing preparedness.

IOM’s ability to bring together the foremost migration experts and the technological capacity of the private sector will be central to our efforts to develop data-driven capacity to foresee migration and displacement patterns. This will enhance our ability to co-create with and empower governments, communities and displaced people to avoid and minimize the negative impacts of displacement.

In areas impacted by conflict, crisis and fragility, IOM will mobilize peacebuilding efforts to prevent and resolve conflict, improve stability and, ultimately, contribute to the establishment of resilient, peaceful and inclusive societies. With more people living in displacement for longer, IOM will build resilience and self-reliance by increasing access to livelihoods and housing, land and property rights, with specific provisions to include marginalized groups.

IOM will help people to move away from situations of risk and persecution. We will work to enable resettlement, and will boost efforts to facilitate safe, voluntary and dignified return and sustainable reintegration of displaced persons. 


Objective 3: Facilitating pathways for regular migration

IOM prioritizes whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches to safely connect people, goods, services, knowledge and innovation. We work to unleash the potential of migration by assisting States to establish, expand and enhance regular migration pathways, while reducing irregular migration.

We will support governments to realize their development priorities through migration, from eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities to shaping sustainable cities and societies. IOM will work with partners to make existing and new regular pathways accessible and inclusive to enable more individuals to benefit from opportunities for development and protection. Increased numbers of people, including youth and people with disabilities, will be able to access opportunities for education and work outside of their countries of birth and to reunite with family. IOM will strive to position social protection and health coverage for migrants, recognizing them as vehicles to reduce inequalities and maximize migrants’ contributions to societies. 

At all stages, we will address the intersecting forms of discrimination, exclusion and exploitation which impede migrants’ ability to exercise their rights and contribute to sustainable development.  IOM will work with partners to achieve a fundamental shift in migration-related narratives.